Show article variant table
Art./Item | Magnet | Neck (mm.) | Handle(cm.) | gr | Handle | Tipo |
10065 | o | 45 | 40 | 300 | Kapriol | |
10066 | o | 45 | 40 | 400 | Kapriol | |
22086 | - | - | 48 | - | faggio | Manico ricambio |
22090 | - | - | 55 | - | frassino | manico ricambio |
22095 | - | - | 60 | - | frassino | manico ricambio |
22096 | - | - | 55 | - | acacia | manico ricambio |
22690 | - | - | 48 | - | 3C | manico ricambio |
22710 | - | - | 40 | - | manico ricambio |
Technical Features
- High-alloy Nickel-Chrome-Molybdenum steel head, subject to triple heat treatments to increase resilience and durability
- Special head design: enlarged striker surface with the same weight and ideal tilt to facilitate nail removal
- Head painted with epoxy powder with polished striker and claws
- Available in the version with tri-component plastic handle with fibreglass core or certified beech wood handle
- A special handle end geometry was designed for both versions to facilitate its insertion in the tool hook
Magnet Find out more
TtT Find out more
Alloy steel
Progrip 3comp Find out more
Head's Design Find out more
Maneuverability and efficency Find out more
Tri-component grip Find out more