
Performing and sustainable 'feather' effect padding? Kapriol chooses Thermore

10 March 2023

Performing and sustainable 'feather' effect padding? Kapriol chooses Thermore

Since Kapriol met Thermore, you can stop putting cold and uncomfortable in the same sentence. In contexts where high-performance materials are required, Thermore answers the call, giving clothing features of comfort, lightness and resistance. And we at Kapriol know it well, having verified it first hand. 
If you're wondering who or what Thermore is, let us tell you that it is a company that develops very special, registered and certified paddings, capable of giving a twist to the products in which they are inserted. But what is so special about these paddings? First of all, they are designed to guarantee high performance; being thermal and thanks to their very low-density structure, they are able to maintain a constant body temperature, resulting in warm but lightweight garments. They are ideal for those who do not want to give up freedom of movement even in extreme conditions. 
Thermore's avant-garde vision has taken into account the climatic unpredictability of recent winters, and has prompted the group to create padding with a dynamic thermal effect, reactive in the face of ever more frequent climatic variations, which also risk affecting health. But Thermore is also concerned with protecting the environment: back in the 1980s, the group used fibers derived from PET bottles for its padding. Today, thanks to innovative technologies, it makes padding from alternative, sustainable materials without sacrificing performance or the 'feather' effect. This is a cause that we at Kapriol have also chosen to espouse, by including padding in Thermic products in an attempt to combine product technicality and care for the Planet. Even on an aesthetic level, the quality of a Thermore padding is there and you can see it: the reduced thickness, the result of the production process used to make it, contributes to the creation of garments with slender lines that adapt well to the body structure of those who will then wear them. Thermore also relies on anti-pilling finishing, preventing fibers from escaping from the padding. Closely related to this feature is the ability to withstand prolonged use: even after repeated washing, the padding shows no sign of sagging, and continues to be comfortable and thermally resistant. If it remains well hidden in our Thermore garments and you will only perceive it once you have worn them, labels and tags emphasise its presence and are well indicated and immediately identifiable.  Signs of guarantee for the consumer, who can ascertain the authenticity of the article purchased and who make themselves the bearers of a precise message: in the company of Thermore, you will face the cold with an extra touch of style!

Category: WorkWear
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